Here you can find a selection of academic journals dealing with American studies. Several journals require payment to have full access to the articles, while others provide free full-text articles online.

Selected American Studies Journals Published in the United States


Selected American Studies Journals Published in Europe

Italian Universities and American Studies for Graduate Students.

Questa lista, rivolta principalmente ai laureati che desiderino proseguire la loro formazione nell’ambito dell’americanistica, elenca le università in cui sono attivati corsi di perfezionamento oppure dottorati che consentono di fare ricerca sulla cultura, la letteratura, e/o la storia americana a livello avanzato. Le informazioni fornite qui si intendono di orientamento: gli studenti sono invitati ad approfondire o contattare i docenti localmente.


National and International Associations

  • EAAS – European Association for American Studies:
  • IASA – International American Studies Association:
  • MESEA – The Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas:
  • ACLA – American Comparative Literature Association:
  • AHA – American Historical Association:
  • IASA (formerly AIHA) – Italian American Studies Association:
  • ASA – American Studies Association:
  • MLA – Modern Language Association:


Cultural Institutions

The Web offers a wide variety of materials devoted to the US and the American Studies. The list of links below is not meant to be exhaustive, rather to be the starting point for further researches. Any search engine can be a useful tool to obtain more results.

Full Text American Literary (and Not Only) Works:

