In riferimento ai recenti fatti di violenza pubblica ai danni di cittadini afroamericani, il Direttivo ha formulato la seguente dichiarazione. Ci auguriamo interpreti il pensiero e il sentire di tutta l’Associazione e invitiamo chi lo volesse a condividerla e farla circolare.

AISNA (Italian Association for North American Studies) stands in solidarity with militants and advocates of civil rights protesting police brutality, white supremacism, and structural racism in the United States, in Italy, and across the world.

In the past weeks, we read with dismay about the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. We watched with growing discomfort American police’s violent reaction before lawful expressions of righteous anger and distress. We listened carefully as the protests in the U.S. ignited a debate on structural problems of our societies that stretch well beyond the U.S. and invest our daily practice as teachers and researchers.

As scholars of U.S. literature, culture, history and politics, we understand that today’s problems have deep roots in the country’s long history of slavery, racism, anti-black violence, and imperialist aggression. We deem it crucial to use our knowledge and expertise to promote a more informed, competent and constructive discussion on the problems that the tragic death of Floyd, Taylor, Arbery and many others highlighted.

At the same time, we are committed to listening and learning from protesters, activists, and scholars in Italy who tell us that these problems are not just American problems. We express our support and solidarity to nonwhite communities in Italy who are victims of racial injustice and police brutality.

Black Lives Matter.