In riferimento ai recenti fatti di violenza pubblica ai danni di cittadini afroamericani, il Direttivo ha formulato la seguente dichiarazione. Ci auguriamo interpreti il pensiero e il sentire di tutta l’Associazione e invitiamo chi lo volesse a condividerla e farla circolare.

AISNA (Italian Association for North American Studies) stands in solidarity with militants and advocates of civil rights protesting police brutality, white supremacism, and structural racism in the United States, in Italy, and across the world.

In the past weeks, we read with dismay about the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. We watched with growing discomfort American police’s violent reaction before lawful expressions of righteous anger and distress. We listened carefully as the protests in the U.S. ignited a debate on structural problems of our societies that stretch well beyond the U.S. and invest our daily practice as teachers and researchers.

As scholars of U.S. literature, culture, history and politics, we understand that today’s problems have deep roots in the country’s long history of slavery, racism, anti-black violence, and imperialist aggression. We deem it crucial to use our knowledge and expertise to promote a more informed, competent and constructive discussion on the problems that the tragic death of Floyd, Taylor, Arbery and many others highlighted.

At the same time, we are committed to listening and learning from protesters, activists, and scholars in Italy who tell us that these problems are not just American problems. We express our support and solidarity to nonwhite communities in Italy who are victims of racial injustice and police brutality.

Black Lives Matter.

The OASIS – Orientale American Studies International School is are now accepting applications for it’s fifth iteration. The school will be held in the Conference Center of University of Naples “L’Orientale” in the isle of Procida, Italy, from May 24 to May 29, 2020.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Jonathan Arac (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Susan Balée (independent scholar)
  • Colleen Glenney Boggs (Dartmouth College, USA)
  • Derrais Carter (University of Arizona)
  • Jane Desmond (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  • Virginia R. Dominguez (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  • Ira Dworkin (Texas A&M University, USA)
  • Brian T. Edwards (Tulane University, USA)
  • Fred Gardaphé (Queens College-CUNY, USA)
  • May Hawas (American University in Cairo, Egypt)
  • Gordon Hutner (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  • Ronald A. Judy (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Donald E. Pease (Dartmouth College, USA)
  • Mounira Soliman (American University in Cairo, Egypt)

Compact seminar: “How to Get Published” held by Gordon Hutner (editor of American Literary History).

We invite applications from doctoral students, recent Ph.D.s, and junior faculty in American Studies, English, Comparative Literature, and related fields.

The fee for the School (covering registration, tuition, housing, breakfast, and lunch) is € 620 for the whole week. Applications will be accepted until March 15, 2020; successful applicants will be notified by March 31. You can find the CFA for PhD students here and the CFA for M.A. students here. For more info please see the school’s website.

We appreciate your help in circulating the news among your students and colleagues!

Issue #31 (2020) of RSAJournal: Rivista di Studi Americani, the official journal of the Italian Association for North American Studies (Associazione Italiana di Studi Nord-Americani – AISNA) will feature a special issue on the broader impact that the nuclear era has had on the United States. The issue, edited by RSAJournal Assistant Editor, Elisabetta Bini (University of Naples Federico II), Dario Fazzi (Roosevelt Institute for American Studies), and Thomas Bishop (University of Lincoln) is titled American Apocalypse(s): Nuclear Imaginaries and the Reinvention of Modern America and scholars from different academic fields are invited to submit their proposals.

In 1982, while president Ronald Reagan was blessing a 40% increase in America’s nuclear spending, pop-singer Prince released his famous 1999 song. “Everybody’s got a bomb, we could all die any day, oh – But before I let that happen, I’ll dance my life away, oh oh,” the refrain went. By the early 1980s, threats of nuclear annihilation and prophecies of doom had become part and parcel of American popular culture.

The US’s mastery of nuclear power is an entrenched feature of modern America. Throughout the second half of the Twentieth century, nuclear power simultaneously fascinated and repelled US society, by embodying faith in scientific progress and ancestral fears at the same time. It raised fears of a potential nuclear conflict – and therefore of a total annihilation of mankind – and was simultaneously the object of widespread beliefs in the possibility of producing an unlimited, clean and efficient source of energy. This polarizing character enabled the proliferation of different nuclear discourses and narratives. Nuclear power’s outreach was total, and its breadth extended over any field of cultural production. Nuclear power reshuffled the very vocabulary of American politics and society writ large. The power of the atom, its universalism and contested sustainability alike, swayed the mindset and worldviews of generations of Americans.

This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted impact that nuclear power and culture have had and continue to have in the United States, in order to reassess and redraw the contours of an age, the nuclear one, the dark shadows of which still impinge upon us today. All disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches are welcome, and topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • The interactions among different nuclear visions, including philosophical, religious, literary and artistic conceptualizations;
  • Audiovisual representations of American nuclear culture, including literary, cinematographic, comic book, digital, and virtual renderings;
  • Indigenous, intersectional, or transnational encounters with nuclear power and culture;
  • Meta-geographies and material cultures of the nuclear;
  • Gendered and racialized renderings of nuclear culture and politics;
  • The international and global influence of American nuclear culture, and the multiple and complex forms of resistance to it;
  • The politicization of US anti-nuclear movements and their transnational dimensions;
  • Intersections between nuclear culture, and “apocalyptic culture” and “post-apocalyptic culture” writ large;
  • Similarities and differences between nuclear culture and climate fiction and criticism;
  • The relationship between the nuclear age and the Anthropocene.

Please send a 200-word abstract and a short biographical sketch to Elisabetta Bini, Dario Fazzi, and Tom Bishop by December 30. People whose abstracts have been accepted will be notified by January 15. The deadline for full-length articles (40.000 characters, including spaces, notes, and works cited) is April 15, 2020.

Condividiamo la locandina e il programma per il convegno Still White after Arrival? Americanization and Racialization of Early 20th-Century Italian Migrants to the United States  si terrà presso il Dipartimento di Studi umanistici dell’Università di Macerata il 19 e il 20 novembre. Il convegno è sponsorizzato dalla Commissione Fulbright, dall’Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti in Italia e dall’AISNA.

We warmly invite you to present a proposal for the special section of the next issue of RSAJournal (#31). The deadline for proposals is October 15, and if you are interested please send us a title, a very brief description (about 10 lines) and at least the name of one section editor.

If by October 15 no proposal reaches us, the special section will focus on “American Apocalypses.”

The call for papers will be published at the end of October on the OJS open access platform and the AISNA website. The deadline for the submission of abstracts will be the end of November, and the section editor(s) will choose the 7/8 most promising ones. Their authors will submit the full articles by March 31, and by April 15 only 5 of them will be selected for publication by the section editor(s) and sent to the peer reviewers – the other ones, if the authors agree, might be published in the “Articles” section, in the same issue or in issue #32. If one of the articles selected for the special section is rejected by the peer reviewers, one of the other submitted articles will be sent to the reviewers.

Condividiamo il programma, il bando e il modulo di iscrizione relativi al prossimo Seminario di Letteratura Storia e Cultura Americana che si svolgerà presso il Centro Studi Americani di Roma dal 11-13 novembre 2019.

Segnaliamo che il termine ultimo di iscrizione al seminario è stato posticipato. Vi preghiamo di far pervenire le vostre segnalazioni e i moduli debitamente firmati e compilati dagli studenti via e-mail a Sara Ammenti (Biblioteca del CSA) non oltre il 31 ottobre 2019.

Cogliamo l’occasione per informarvi che quest’anno quest’anno, oltre alle borse di studio offerte dal Centro Studi Americani agli studenti delle università convenzionate, l’AISNA mette a disposizione 8 rimborsi per spese di viaggio e/o alloggio, del valore di (fino a) 200 euro ciascuno, destinati a studenti provenienti da fuori Roma iscritte/i a corsi di laurea magistrale, Master e dottorato di ricerca.

Inoltre, il Graduate Forum dell’AISNA mette a disposizione, per la stessa tipologia di studenti, 4 rimborsi del valore di 150 euro ciascuno destinati preferibilmente a studenti provenienti da fuori Roma. Le/i candidate/i (tranne le/gli iscritte/i ai corsi di laurea magistrale) devono essere soci/e AISNA oppure aver presentato domanda di ammissione.